Spread the love for Zante

Pricing & Free Package & Advertising Spaces

For what reason to trust this site and who is its author

Read on this page: “Who is Dr. Emanuel Celano and for what reasons to trust him [click here]”

Topics covered on this page

Click on topic to read it :

What are the costs of placing a listing or ads on the site?


There is no cost to add the cards but we kindly ask for a donation of a few euros [ please click here to see all information ] to cover our management expenses.

Instructions before registering

  • 1) First do a search to check if your card is already present on our site or if it is a new entry. If the form is already present (at the top left next to the logo, start writing on “type your search …” field, the name of your business, to find out if it is present) then register only on the site through this link https://www.zante.info/register/ and then send an email to info@zante.info to request the association of your profile to the already existing listing card. In this way you will not lose the positioning that the card has obtained on google.
  • 2) The insertion of the cards must be done in English, to be translated correctly into other languages. WE REPEAT : the site automatically translates from English into other languages. If you don’t speak English well, use the google translator here https://translate.google.it/?hl=gr&tab=TT&sl=el&tl=en&op=translate
  • 3) Note for “Points of interest” that do not want to show the PRICE field. For those who want to insert a card in the category “POINT OF INTEREST” it is possible not to enter a price. In STEP 3 of 5 when asked for the price select as follows: SELECT PRICE TYPES: Fixed — PRICE: 00 — Sale Price: leave empty — Stock Quantity: 1

00) Basic Package – Free for places ( forever )
  • 10 Ads allowed
  • 10000 Days per submission - Select this package only for places that do not offer paid services
  • 15 Free images
  • 3 Free Videos
  • 15 Free Document
Insert Free Card - only for places that do not offer paid services
01) Activity Package ( donation for expenses )
  • 5 Ad allowed *
  • Activity Package donation for expenses
  • 15 Free Images
  • 2 Free videos
  • 15 Free Documents
Join the Activity Package
Only once per user
02) Premium Package ( donation for expenses )
  • 15 Ad allowed *
  • Activity Package donation for expenses
  • 50 Free Images
  • 5 Free videos
  • 25 Free Documents
Join the Activity Package
Only once per user

Magnificent panel available to registered users

Here are some images of the panel that you will have available to present your cards on the site.



Add Listing, advertising spaces and other sections with donation formula

1) Donation to add one or more listing

With a small donation of only 40 euros you can insert not only a card but all the cards you want both to present your business, both to promote tours, excursions, sale of land, sale of local products abroad … and many other sections of the site. Also included in the same offer there is the possibility of inserting a discount coupon for your activities that will be entered for free here [ coupon section ] where many other activities are already being promoted. We remind you that coupons are also highlighted in our APP which can be downloaded from the google and apple stores [click here]. The important presence in the page “What to do in zakynthos now” [ click here ]  is added and also in the Zante Thematic Routes [ click here ] if suitable to attend. If you are not able to do the insertion yourself, we do everything by taking texts and images from your site. If you want to proceed with the donation not on the site but by bank transfer we will provide you with the IBAN coordinates. To start [ register here https://www.zante.info/register/ ]

– It is also possible to make a payment by bank transfer if you wish


2) Advertising spaces with donation formula

After subscribing to the site you can promote your business in the advertising spaces of the site. There are several spaces available to advertise on the site. All options are activated with donations from users.

Spaces within the search engine of the cards and in the directories of the site

After login to your account go to the “listings” menu in the left column and enter a tab we are managing. You will find “ADD NEW PROMOTION” at the bottom with the following options :

  • Single Ad – Advertise Donation (Suggest your ad on the single ad pages from the same category)
  • Home – Keyword Search Donation (Display your ad within the first results on the keyword search)
  • In Home – Promo Ads Donation (Promote your ad on the homepage feed)
  • Anywhere – Color Bump Donation (Make the color of your ad more prominent to separate it from the others)
  • In Map – Pin Bump Donation (Make your ad more visually prominent on the search map)
  • In Category – Above Free Ads Donation (Display your ad within the first results in its category)
  • In Discount page
  • In App – google play e apple store


a) APP presence with donation formula

Presence in the RECCOMENDED PLACES section in our APP – one season from May to October

In our APP we have a section called RECCOMENDED PLACES. The places entered can be reached via GPS navigator

APP zante.infoYou can test the app here:
google playstore zante app download
apple store zante app download

– It is also possible to make a payment by bank transfer if you wish

b) Banner on “What to do in Zakynthos” page with donation formula

Banner in your category on the “What to do in zakynthos now” page – one season from May to October

The page “What to do in zakynthos now” visible with a [click here] highlights the activities to be carried out in a given location. It is possible to be present with a banner in your category with a donation that we ask only to support the expenses of the site.

– It is also possible to make a payment by bank transfer if you wish

c) Presence on your category page in first position with donation formula

You can ensure presence on your category page in first position – one season from May to October

If your product category is one of the following below you can be placed in first position (exclusively and shared) with a donation that we ask only to support the expenses of the site. You can insert a short description of 5/6 lines, a banner and the link to your site.

It is also possible to make a payment by bank transfer if you wish



Shared presence with other customers in one category:

Shared presence with other customers in two categories






d) Presence on the DISCOUNT page – one of the most visited on the site – with donation formula

Insertion into a category or creation of the category if it does not already exist  – one season from May to October

The page [ ZANTE DISCOUNT is here ]. It is possible to be present in your category with a donation that we ask only to support the expenses of the site.

– It is also possible to make a payment by bank transfer if you wish

Spread the love for Zante