Guide to placing a job advertisement in zakynthos

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First go to this page:

1) Click on the link REGISTER or go [ directly here ]


2) Select CANDIDATE or EMPLOYER : the first CANDIDATE if you want to propose yourself as a worker, while the second EMPLOYER if you want to offer a job. Then fill in the required fields and at the end press on SIGNUP and you will be taken to the ad management page


3) Once inside the ads management area you will find a notice as shown in the figure below. ACCOUNT ACTIVATION REQUIRED BY ADMIN !. However, you can continue even without having received the activation confirmation. The next step to add OFFER

4)  Now you can post a new Job. Complete all the fields and click on POST JOB

post a new job at zante


5) a graph will appear with your entries

6) to manage the job offers entered click on MANAGE JOBS and on the next page click on the name of the advertisement to see it,

Click on the pencil icon to edit the job listing

7) To login again to the web site click here : [ login job section ]





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