Touched by the Caress of Ugo Foscolo’s Angel

Spread the love for Zante

The video made by is a poem for Foscolo

Born in 1778 in Zakynthos, a small island in the Ionian Sea that was under the dominion of Venice but belonged to the Greek world, Ugo Foscolo died alone, without any affection, in exile in England in 1827. He is an atheist. His father was perhaps a decayed Venetian aristocrat who became a doctor. His mother is Diamantina Spatis, Greek. The birth on a Greek island, from a Greek mother, has a great significance in Foscolo’s life. When he is 10 years old his father dies and Foscolo is forced to become responsible for his mother and brothers (the problem of the father figure begins to form in him). He moved to Venice with the whole family, where he began to study mostly as a self-taught. He is struck by classical literature and philosophy, but he also studies the themes explored by contemporary Enlighteners. Eager for glory and success, a lover of luxury and pleasures, attracted and fascinated by the aristocracy, he has love affairs with beautiful aristocratic noblewomen. However, these loves are the cause of inner restlessness and unbridled wandering in many cities in Italy, France and England.

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